Sentimentalists will do anything to remember moments. For me, sound creates the most vivid images of people and places in my mind. 

Austin, TX

Manor Rd.mp3

My first weekend we went to a food truck called "Patrizzis," there was live music. 

Flightpath Coffeehouse.mp3

Flightpath Coffeehouse was a one minute walk away from my house and regular work spot. 

Howling at the Moon at Barton.mp3

Every full moon people howl at the Barton Springs pool, a natural spring that freezes you numb... but is worth it. 

Airport Blvd.mp3

The homeless man on Airport Blvd that would play his electric guitar. 

teron accompanies their institute presentation on miracles.mp3

Church institute is every Thursday, tonight we talked about miracles... with accompaniment. 

el autobús.mp3

Riding the 7 (the public bus to Downtown) was often my favorite part of the day. 

Avenue H.m4a

"Kitty Soft Paws," my roomate's kitten, was the topic of almost every living room conversation. 

Butler Park Symphony.mp3

Sunday night symphony at Butler Park with the city skyline in our rearview. 

kitty under the door.mp3

Anytime I locked the kitten out of my room she would claw under the door trying to get in. 

Avenue H 2.mp3

Floating on Lady Bird Lake to watch fireworks on the 4th of July.